- 51 % Angriff
- Absoluter Vorteil
- Ad Hoc
- Adresse
- Airdrop
- Aktives Management
- Algorithmus
- All or None Auftrag (AON)
- All-Time High (ATH)
- Alpha
- Altcoin
- Angel Investor
- Angriffsfläche
- Anmeldedaten
- Anti-Money-Laundering (AML)
- Anwendungsspezifische integrierte Schaltung (ASIC)
- APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
- Arbitrage
- ASIC-Resistenz
- Asset-Management
- Asynchron
- Atomic Swap
- Auktion
- Bags
- Bärenmarkt
- Beacon Chain
- Benchmark
- BEP-2
- BEP-20
- BEP-721 – Die Erweiterung von ERC-721
- BEP-95
- Beta-Koeffizient
- Beta-Release
- Bitcoin
- Bitcoin Core
- Bitcoin Dominanz
- Bitcoin Maximalismus
- Bitcoin Pizza
- Black Swan Event
- Block
- Block Explorer
- Block Header
- Block Height
- Block Reward
- Blockchain
- Bloom-Filter
- Blue-Chip-Token
- Bollinger Bänder
- Börse
- Bounty
- BRC-20 Token
- Break-Even-Point
- Breakout
- Briefkurs
- Bullenmarkt
- Buy Wall
- Candidate Block
- Candlestick-Diagramm
- Cipher – Verschlüsselung in der Kryptografie
- Circulating Supply
- Cloud
- Coin
- Colocation
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission
- Confirmation time
- Confluence
- Contango und Backwardation
- Cross-Chain Bridge
- Daemon
- Dead-Cat-Bounce
- Decentralized Application (DApp)
- Decentralized Autonomous Cooperative (DAC)
- Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)
- Decentralized Exchange (DEX)
- Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
- Decentralized Indexes
- Deep Web
- Dekodierung
- Delisting
- Design Flaw Attack
- Diamond Hands
- Difficulty
- Divergenz
- Diversifikation
- Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA)
- Double-Spending
- DYOR (Do Your Own Research)
- Eclipse-Angriff
- Effizienzmarkthypothese
- Eisberg-Order
- Emission
- Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA)
- ERC-1155
- ERC-20
- ERC-721
- Fakeout
- Falling Knife
- Fan Token
- Fiat
- Finalität
- Finanzpolitik
- First-Mover-Advantage
- Flappening
- Flashbots
- Flippening
- FOK (Fill Or Kill Order)
- FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
- Forex (FX)
- Formale Verifizierung
- Fren
- FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt)
- Full Node
- Fundamentalanalyse
- Fungibilität
- Futures-Kontrakt
- Gas
- Gas Limit
- Gebundene Währung
- Gefangenendilemma
- Geld-Brief-Spanne
- Geldkurs
- Geldpolitik
- General Public License (GPL)
- Genesis Block
- Gesetz der Nachfrage
- Gewinnquote
- GitHub
- GM (Good Morning)
- Goldene Kreuz
- Gossip-Protokoll
- Gwei
- Hackathon
- Hacker
- Haha Money Printer Go Brrrrr
- Halving – So funktioniert die Halbierung der Block Rewards
- Hard Cap
- Hash
- Hash Rate
- Hash-Baum
- Hashed TimeLock Contract (HTLC)
- Hauptbuch
- Hochfrequenzhandel
- Honigtopf
- ICO (Initial Coin Offering)
- IEO (Initial Exchange Offering)
- Index
- Integrierter Schaltkreis
- Interoperabilität
- IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)
- IPO (Initial Public Offering)
- Isolated Margin
- Kapitulation
- Keccak
- Kontrahentenrisiko
- Krypto ETFs
- Krypto-Winter
- Kryptografie
- Kryptoprotokoll
- Kryptowährung
- Kursbewegung
- KYC (Know-Your-Customer)
- Latenz
- Layer 2
- Leveraged Token
- Library
- Lightning Network
- Linux
- Liquidität
- Liquiditätsanbieter
- Liquiditätskennzahlen
- Liquiditätskrise
- Listing
- Mainnet
- Mainnet Swap
- Maker
- Malware
- Margenhandel
- Marktkapitalisierung
- Marktmomentum
- Marktorder
- Masternode
- Maximales Angebot
- Mempool
- Merged Mining
- Metadaten
- Metaverse
- Mining
- Mining Farm
- Moon (Mond)
- Multi-Signatur (MultiSig)
- NFT Mystery Box
- NFT-Mindestpreis
- Node
- Non-fungible Token (NFT)
- Nonce
- OCO Order
- Off-Chain
- Offshore-Konto
- Open-Source-Software (OSS)
- Oracle
- ORC-20 Tokens
- Orderbuch (Order Book)
- Ordinals
- Orphan-Block
- Paper Wallet
- Passives Management
- Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
- Permissionless Blockchain
- Phishing
- Plasma
- Polkadot-Crowdloan
- Private Key
- Private Sale
- Progressive Web Application (PWA)
- Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP)
- Proof of Reserves (PoR)
- Proof of Stake (PoS)
- Proof of Work (PoW)
- Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS)
- Pseudozufall
- Quantencomputer
- Quellcode
- Race-Attack
- Ransomware
- Rechnungseinheit
- Rekt
- Relative Strength Index (RSI)
- Return on Investment (ROI)
- Roadmap
- Routingangriff
- Rug Pull
- Sandwich Trading
- Satoshi
- Satoshi Nakamoto
- Schneeballsystem
- Schwache Hände
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- Seed-Phrase
- Segregated Witness (SegWit)
- Selfish Mining
- Sell Wall
- Sentiment
- Sharding
- Sharpe Ratio
- Sicherheiten
- Sicherheitsaudit
- Smart Contract
- Snapshot
- Social Recovery Wallet
- Stablecoin
- Staking Pool
- State Channel
- Store of Value
- Supercomputer
- Supply Chain
- Support
- Taker
- Tank
- Tickersymbol
- Token
- Tokenomics
- Tokensperre
- Tokenverkauf
- Total Supply (Gesamtvorrat)
- Total Value Locked (TVL)
- TradFi
- Transaction ID (TXID)
- Transaktionen pro Sekunde (TPS)
- Triple Halving Effekt (Ethereum)
- TrueUSD (TUSD)
- Trustless System
- Turing-Vollständigkeit
- Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)
- Unveränderlichkeit
- User Interface (UI)
- Verbraucherpreisindex
- Verifizierungscode
- Verschlüsselung
- Verwahrung
- Virtuelle Maschine (VM)
- Vladimir Club
- Volatilität
- Volumen
- Wal (Whale)
- Wallet
- Weak Subjectivity
- Web 1.0
- Wei
- Whiskers
- Whitelist
- Widerstand
- Wrapped Ether (WETH)
- Zensurresistenz
- Zentralbank
- Zentraleinheit
- Zentralisierte Börse
- Zentralisierung
- Zero-Knowledge-Proof (zK-Beweis)
- Zinseszins
- zk-SNARKs
- zk-STARKs
- Zuteilung (Allocation)
- Zwangsliquidation